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Agronomy Contest

boy writing on sheet of paper with paper plates of seeds in front of him on table

Agronomy contest participants evaluate crops for seed and factors affecting market quality. They also identify crop seeds, weed seeds, plants, insects, equipment and agronomic disorders and test their soil knowledge.


Who May Enter
Counties may enter any number of participants in the Junior and Senior divisions.

Counties having fewer than three participants in an age division may combine with other counties forming a team of three or four, provided no county involved has more than two participants in that division. Combination teams must be agreed upon by the county coaches and Extension agents.

Age Requirements

  • Junior division: 4‐H members age 8‐13 at the start of the 4‐H year (before September 1).*
  • Senior division: 4‐H members age 14‐18 at the start of the 4‐H year (before September 1
    • *Note: youth age 13 at the start of the 4‐H year are eligible in either the junior or senior 4‐H division.

Levels of Involvement
County: Contact your county Extension office for local dates.
State: The State 4-H Agronomy Contest is usually scheduled for the third Saturday of March.

Contact your NDSU Extension County 4-H Agent for required registration information.

Rules and Procedures
Contest Content