Content and supplies for the 4-H Senior/Junior Agronomy Contest Market Grade Description and Evaluation (Grain Grading/Paper Class)
Resources: Market Grade Description and Evaluation Scorecard GCA676, Grain Inspection Report GCA678 (blank), and Wheat Grain Grading Requirements chart GCA696
- Contestants will compare information given in the Grain Inspection Report to the official Wheat Grain Grading Requirements chart that will be provided to determine the grade, subclass, special grade, and grade determining factor(s) for each of five (5) lots. Contestants will write the correct provided numbers (rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent) for dockage and protein.
- Each sample on the Grain Inspection Report is graded and ranked according to the lowest grade determining factor.
- A Grain Inspection Report will be provided for hard red spring wheat (HRSW) and/or durum.
- The Junior division does not record percent protein and grade determining factor(s) in the shaded area of the card and will not be required to add total defects. Participants in the Senior division may have to calculate total defects and must record percent protein and grade determining factor(s).
Additional details and rules for this section of the contest can be found in the ND 4-H Agronomy Contest Handbook on the 4-H Google Drive